Student Cards must be produced when borrowing library materials.
They are Not transferable and may not be used on behalf of other persons.
A. Books/Magazines
1. Students mayborrow up to 6 books for 1week each.
同學最多可借閱書籍 6本, 借閱期為 1星期。
2. Students can borrow up to 4 old magazines or periodicals for 3 days.
同學每次最多可借閱舊雜誌 4本,借閱期限為 3天。
3. Non-circulatingmaterials such as dictionaries, reference booksand encyclopedias,etc. are not
normally allowed to be charged out of thelibrary. Under exceptional circumstances students may
obtain special permissionfrom the school librarian to borrow such materials for a short period.
4. Students canrequest 3 books only.
每位同學可預訂書籍 3本。
5. Loans are renewable three times provided that the book is not reserved for another user.
B. DVD / Movies
1. Students may borrow up to _2_items for 1 week each.
同學每次只可借閱光碟 2隻,借閱期為1星期。
2. Students can request_2_ items only.
每位同學只可預訂光碟_2 隻。